Amazons Attack #3 and #4 is the 20th episode of the webseries Atop the Fourth Wall.
Issue 4 is titled "Things Fall Apart" and they do - my sanity, my will to live, my love for sequential art...
Quotes & References[]
"Alright. So then Wonder Woman [SHORT CIRCUITS] moviegameslaughingsellingelectropaddywhackgiveadogabone [SHUTS DOWN]."
-The First Ever Lines of Pollo
Notes & Trivia[]
- First appearance of Pollo, briefly subbing for Linkara when he grows tired of the comic's insanity.
- Origin of the "Bees. My God." gag.
External Links[]
- Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 on YouTube
- Amazons Attack #3 and #4 on
Full List of Atop the Fourth Wall Episodes