The Vyce Ship was the main source of power for Lord Vyce, and was connected directly to his suit. It is how Vyce got to our dimension and was his main form of transportation. It was also home to Linksano for a time, and has many rooms that have yet to be seen, including an armory, a hangar bay, a holodeck and a minibar.
During the epic battle, it was taken over by Angry Joe and the his army, and Vyce was cut off from it's power supply, rendering him mostly powerless. Whether it can be reconnected or the power can be rewired into something else has yet to be seen.
After the battle, Linkara spent a few episodes exploring the ship and moving some weapons onto it, usually while wearing a Starfleet uniform, signifying his new role as a ship captain. He rechristened his ship Comicron One and it is one of the most powerful pieces of firepower in the arsenal of freedom to date.
In the Star Trek #2 review, Linkara uploaded the artificial intelligence Nimue to run the ship's various functions. However, he did so during an ion storm, but we have not seen if this has dealt any changes to her programming.
When Linkara went on a journey and left Holokara in charge, Holokara had Comicron One aimed at Marvel Headquarters in an attempt to get them to undo Spider-Man: One More Day. Linkara then had Dr. Linksano fry the circuitry of Holokara's holoemitter, effectively 'killing' Holokara.
In a cameo for Smarty's Series "The Machinimist" Smarty Flies headfirst into the hull of the ship causing massive repairs to be done. We still do not know how much it cost to repair the shields...
It was later taken over by Vyce when he became living data and twice failed to take it over the ship in Pollo's old body. Vyce did this by taking over parts of Nimue, and taking over every part of Comicron One, save for the auxiliary control. Vyce was later deleted by Nimue, though he managed to escape by downloading himself into a shade and teleporting to Earth.
During To Boldly Flee, Linkara showed up to rescue everybody in Comicron One.
In Star Trek / Green Lantern The Spectrum Wars, the ship experiences multiple critical system failures and crashes on the moon. Nimue downloads to a system on Earth, and the crew escape in the Vigilant.
In Comic Book Quickys #7, Vyce gives Nimue greater access to the ships higher functions, functions that were barred to our heros, in order to activate The Forge. The Forge is a feature of Vyces ship that he acquired during his crusade against The Entity that allowed the ship to transmute matter in to weapons and Shades. However Vyce found another use for this technology; Self Repair. Using available matter, the ship rises from the surface of the Moon, re-growing damaged parts. Armed and fully operational. Comicon One no more, The Vyce Ship once more.
Comicron One is in every sense of the word a flying arsenal. It is equipped with multiple turrets that can attack at every angle, as well as a devastating, forward-firing lance that can damage almost anything, though the lance has a heavy power cost, and will be ineffective if Comicron One is damaged. More advanced weaponry included the "particle disseminator", a stream of energy that connected the turrets and forward lance forming a v-shaped bolt, and a "swarm" of energy bullets that would scatter like bees.
Comicron One also has different kinds of shielding. In addition to basic force fields, it is equipped with temporal shielding, which appears to be a defense against any force attempting to get in the ship. With these shields active, signals, regardless of strength or urgency, will fail to reach it unless there is someone who is simultaneously inside and outside the ship like Nimue is. The shields are incredibly powerful, and appear to also be capable of repelling the Entity, though the shields would've fail within the hour.
Comicron One is also equipped with a shielding called the force wall. While not much details have been given, and the term seems to be someone interchangeably with the temporal shielding. However, from what information that has been given, the force wall appears to be an advance force field designed to ward off attacks, though comments said about it seem to give the impression that it can only be active for a limited time.
The ship also possessed and ability called "the forge". Intended for the manufacturing of shades and weapons out of transmutable matter, Vyce found another use for this tech: self repair. Vyce used this ability to restore his ship time and time again during his crusade, most recently using it to restore his ship after it was crashed on the moon.
After Linkara acquired the ship, he installed a hidden auxiliary control room. This control room could be accessed through Cargo Bay 1, and it's appearance resembled The Enterprise on Star Trek. It is separate from Nimue and the previous onboard computer, accessing Comicron One's functions directly in case in case the ship's programming was compromised.
Many of the ships functions were tied in to Vyce's presence. If he was not on board the ship, several parts of Comicron One couldn't be utilized, including the temporal shields, advanced weaponry, full power usage, and using the forge at maximum capability.
The ship's interior
It also has a scout ship named Vigilant, located in it's hangar bay. It's first appearance was in Atop The Fourth Wall: The Movie. It was revealed by Dr. Linksano that the Vigilant is designed to work in tandem with the Forge, allowing the ship to be broken down and reformed into other types of ships, like a research ship, a gunship and a stealth fighter. While this has been discussed it has yet to be seen in action.
- The Ship and interiors were designed by Doug Walker's title card artist, Marobot, who also did the artwork for the Silent Hill: Dead/Alive prologue segments, as well as the only title card in that series of episodes.
- The ship has been classified as a Daedalus class. This is apparently the original name of the ship when Vyce was in command of it.