"Hey, Dr. Big Eyes..." - Harvey Finevoice (to Linksano).
Doctor Linksano (née Schlumper[1]) is one of Linkara's more comedic villains-turned-hired ally. Initially a low-powered enemy that appears between the Mechakara and Lord Vyce arcs of the show, mostly for jokes in the show's stinger, his character has evolved to become an ally to Linkara, acting as his hired scientific advisor in exchange for being able to use Comicron-1's holodeck.
Linksano is very similar to Insano, except that he is played by Lewis instead of Spoony, so he would conceivably be easier to film and edit around.
In contrast to Insano, Linksano is shown to be mostly indifferent to conquering the world, only truly wanting, in Linkara's words, "to bum around, and have a good time, and have people who will obey [his] every whim and command"[2]. This interpretation of him is slightly shallow, however, as Linksano does have a true megalomaniacal streak (though tends to lack the motivation), as well as a genuine love for the sciences. His habit of thinking "like a mad scientist" has led to him being a valuable team asset, even putting aside his physical contributions (weaponry and other such developments).
Linksano's lackadaisical attitude and lack of commitment does lead to troubles, however, such as scrutiny from other main cast members (particularly Harvey), inability to combat certain foes (as he can't perfect everything he does), and in extreme cases, experiments he left behind out of boredom being used against Linkara. It's also led to brief bouts of mistrust between him and his employer, notably in the 2018 Clone Saga arc, though they have since overcome this due to it being eight years since he was an active supervillain.
His past is mostly kept vague, save for the fact that he is one of the Earth-982 Schlumper Brothers (specifically Oscar). In one of his earlier appearances, he considers his "Schlumper name" a very respectable part of himself, fondly looking back on his past genius and becoming cross when his ability is brought to question.[1] As of current, he has had time to reflect on nostalgia for his home universe, and seems to no longer hold any pride over it. He left Earth-982 moreso out of indifference than fear, and doesn't miss the life (or any of the people) that he left behind.[3]