Doom's IV #2 is the 2nd episode of the webseries Atop the Fourth Wall.
In the future, stupid names will be all the rage.
Quotes & References[]
Combine Harvester by The Wurzels: Breakdown Scene
Notes & Trivia[]
- First "Combine Harvester" breakdown; where Linkara's sanity finally collapses due to utter insanity of the comic. (in this case, due to a letter's column where the comic actually has fans and suggest the likes of Zack from Saved by the Bell and Jean-Claude Van Damme to appear in the Doom's IV movie).
External Links[]
- Part 1 & Part 2 on YouTube
- Doom's IV #2 on
Full List of Atop the Fourth Wall Episodes
2008 |
Spider-Man #56 - Doom's IV #2 - Batman #147 - The Top 15 WTF Moments in Bad Comics - Titans #1 - Sinnamon #11 - US-1 #1 - SCI-Spy #1 - Superman at Earth's End |