"My soul is blue, my heart is steel, and behind these [points to his eyes] false orbs lies a red light that sees everything." - Mechakara.
Mechakara is a character who was introduced as the second foil of Linkara. Though he looks like Linkara, he is later revealed to be a Pollo from an alternate universe where machines have risen up against mankind. In this universe, Pollo killed the universe's Linkara too quickly, so he took the skin of that universe's Linkara and came to this universe to kill our Linkara and take his Magic Gun. Mechakara came to Linkara's universe through the rip in Hypertime caused by Warrior #1 in order to understand and obtain information and items revolving around magic, as it is the one thing humans use to fight the machines that the robots cannot understand or combat. Throughout his appearances (except his first few), Mechakara dons black leather gloves to cover his mechanical claws, the only robotics features not covered by the skin suit.
- Mechakara was transformed into a Human during the "Clone Saga" of the 10th anniversary special.
- Mechakara will ally with other organic life forms, such as Judas Liz, if their goals coincide.
- Like the Borg, Mechakara can adapt to most energy weapons. Unlike the Borg, he can somehow adapt to bullets, though that should be technically impossible.