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Mirrorkara is the evil version of Linkara from a mirror universe.

Star Trek #2 (Gold Key)[]

The mad, gold vest-sporting, Leifeld-loving mirrorverse counterpart of Linkara. Though he is much more evil (he even has a goatee to prove it!), Iron Liz points out that he and Linkara aren't so different- they have defeated the same enemies (though Mirrorkara uses black magic and the opening credits suggest he killed Mirror Vyce), have similar allies, and review the same comics, among other things.

According to Mirror Pollo, he began reviewing Comics as a plan to take over the World, however it apparently made him even more crazy.

Holy Terror: 300th Episode[]

He was seen again in the 300th episode, Holy Terror, where it was revealed that he also had a magic gun, but the the mirror version of Margaret volunteered to be sacrificed for its creation. Linkara defeated him using a new morpher, specifically the Gosei Morpher from Power Rangers Megaforce, using a variety of his previous outfits and forms to defeat the evil Linkara, who used a device that negated Linkara's weaponry after a minute or so.

Tenth Anniversary Special/Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth Comic Adaptation[]

While thought to have been sent back to his own universe, the energy waves emanating from The King Of Worm's domain sent him off course into a much harsher reality where he found Erin who was saddened about the loss of her parents. Mirrorkara took her in and protected her from the various threats that existed in that reality. At that moment he called her "Erinyes". They spent several years repairing one of the planet's spaceships. He used his damaged dimensional transporter to follow the signal back to Linkara's Universe. He had spent ten years in that dimension.

They arrived during the events of Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie. Comicron-1 was too damaged to detect them so when Linkara and crew left for Earth, Mirrorkara and Erin went down to the planet to salvage what was left. They found a very confused Mechakara with no memory of his past. They placed him into cardboard freeze until he was useful to them. He had Erin study mythology and legends in her spare time, eventually starting an internet series about it. He helped her build the robot Seras so she would have a robot buddy just like Linkara.

In 2018, he observed the Channel Awesome implosion, which he found a delight to behold. Several months later, he released Mechakara from cardboard freeze and sent him to meet Linkara. Eventually, he remembered who he was and managed to overpower Linkara and knock him out. Mirrorkara ordered Erinyes to tie him up and apply the agonizer onto his arm. He then mocks and berates Linkara for his "inferiority", referencing the fracturing of Channel Awesome.

Linkara outwits Mirrorkara thanks to advancing Nimue's software to be quicker and better at rerouting. Linkara uses Emergency Procedure Two to trap them in a force field. Erin changes sides after Mirrorkara insults her robot companion (Seras) and uses the agonizer on him. Mirrorkara is outnumbered so he escapes to the Supply Closet. Unbeknownst to him however, no one is allowed in the Supply Closet in October........ and it's October. He tries to contact his ship to beam him up. He keeps saying "Execute" and Moarte takes it in his own style and fashion. He executes him as requested.


Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth Comic Adaptation[]


"One to transport, Execute! Execute!"


"Execute? Don't mind if I do! hahahahahaha!"


"Where are you? Show yourself!"


"Your funeral is about to begin, sir! hahahahahaha!"


