Spider-Man #56 is the 1st episode of the webseries Atop the Fourth Wall and the series premiere.
Which one is the clone?! By the time this story ends… you won’t care!
Quotes & References[]
Clips Used[]
- Spider-Man: The Animated Series: "This is starting to sound like a bad comic book plot!"
- The Spectacular Spider-Man by The Tender Box (End Credits)
Notes & Trivia[]
- After covering the first two issues of Spider-Man: Smoke and Mirrors in Text Recaps, he decides to finish the recap via video.
- This episode was remade with the Spider Man: Smoke and Mirrors review on the 10th anniversary of the show in 2018.
External links[]
- Spider-Man #56 on YouTube
- Spider-Man #56 (Part 3 of 3) on atopthefourthwall.com
Text Recaps of Parts 1 & 2[]
Full List of Atop the Fourth Wall Episodes
2008 |
Spider-Man #56 - Doom's IV #2 - Batman #147 - The Top 15 WTF Moments in Bad Comics - Titans #1 - Sinnamon #11 - US-1 #1 - SCI-Spy #1 - Superman at Earth's End |